

Congratulations to our 六月最佳员工, Medical Assistant 贝斯加西亚! You can read her nomination below:

"In recognition of outstanding dedication, 同情, and 专业 in nursing, I am pleased to nominate 贝斯加西亚 for the Employee of the Month award. Beth exemplifies the qualities and values that make a truly exceptional nurse, going above and beyond in providing care and support to patients.

"Beth consistently demonstrates unwavering dedication to patient care. Her 同情ate approach towards patients is evident in every interaction, making her a trusted and valued member of the healthcare team. Whether it is comforting a distressed patient or advocating for their needs, Beth always puts the well-being of patients first.

"With years of experience in nursing, Beth exhibits a high level of 专业 and expertise in her practice. 她的临床技能是一流的,确保病人得到最好的护理.

“贝丝不仅是一个杰出的个人贡献者,也是一个有价值的团队成员. She collaborates effectively with colleagues, fostering a positive work environment that enhances patient care. 另外, 她在具有挑战性的情况下采取主动,耐心和鼓励地指导初级员工,显示了她的领导品质.

Beth is an exemplary nurse who embodies the core values of 同情, 专业, 团队合作, 以及以病人为中心的护理. Her dedication to excellence sets a benchmark for others in the field, making her a deserving candidate.”